4 practical tips for your event

When you use LiveVoice, you do not need any special hardware. Despite of this, the "human factor" still needs to be considered. Therefore we recommend the following things to consider:

1. Service Point

Provide a location at your event where people can go to if they have questions. 

2. Inform your listeners - ahead and during the event

You might want to tell your visitors ahead of the event to bring their own headphones with them. And you can already send them the links to download the app, so they are all set even before they arrive. You can download an intro sheet (to print) and slide (for screens). 👉 See how it works here.

3. Extra headphones 

You might want to provide some extra headphone for people who have forgotten to bring theirs. Like these disposable headphones here. Also, you might want to bring some adapters for iPhone Lightning and USB-C. For iPhones we recommend to get the original ones because often 3rd party adapters do not work properly. 

4. Battery charging & power banks

LiveVoice only needs very little battery. Despite of this, some of your listeners might have forgotten to charge their phones or need to recharge their battery for some other reasons. So consider to offer battery charging stations at your event. An other option is to offer battery packs to borrow or you give your visitors some cool give-away. There are some great power banks out there for a good price

Technical tips for your setup

Internet connection: Here are some tips for you about your internet connection

Headphones for interpreters: Here we have some advice for headphones for interpreters